About the Author

David Rappoccio lives in Portland, Oregon, currently trying to make do with an Art Degree in an economic recession. He's drawn comics and comic characters with big eyes since he was a wee lad, and learned how to bring them to life at RIT's school of Film/Animation. He'd count Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side as his two biggest influences from comics, and The Simpsons as his TV inspiration. He likes to dable in design too, and in illustration. He knows the truth about Santa. Don't ask, he wont tell you. 

You can follow Dave's other work at his other Blog Portfolio: http://daveartlocker.blogspot.com/
you can also keep tabs on his random work by following his tumblr that he never updates: http://therapprampage.tumblr.com/

About M&P
Dave created Melon & Post as a way to illustrate in-jokes between friends, but the universe expanded to a point worth exploring, and now the characters are their own. Melon & Post is done in a storyboard format, coinciding with Dave's Film/Animation background.